• Husband Has No Right Over Streedhan!

    The Supreme Court has given an important decision regarding Stridhan. What is stridhan? What are the things included in Stridhan? Can in-laws refuse to give stridhan to a woman? How can women keep their stridhan safe? What is the remedy if a woman's assets are usurped by her in-laws or her husband?

  • Go Single or Joint for MF Accounts?

    Choose single account or joint account of mutual fund? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both? Watch this video to know-

  • How Good is This Loan Option?

    How can a loan be taken by pledging shares? What is the interest rate on Loan Against Security? What will happen to your pledged shares if you do not repay the loan?

  • Profit in Times of Volatility

    What is the reason for huge fluctuations in the market? Can earnings be made in the market even during ups and downs? Which filters should be applied in the market during turmoil? In a period of ups and downs, is it better to stay, exit or enter? Watch this video to know-

  • Going With The Momentum!

    Should one invest in Momentum Mutual Funds? How do these funds work? What are its advantages and disadvantages? To know, watch this special show of 2+2=5

  • Hide Disease, Lose Claim!

    What is the pre-existing disease (PED) rule in health insurance industry? How much more premium will have to be paid to cover PED? If you hide a chronic disease information from insurer, then, how may have to suffer the consequences? Watch this video to know-

  • Don't Answer This Call!

    How is fraud being committed through fake calls/SMS? What does the I4C report say? How can you avoid such kinds of frauds?

  • Buy A House, Not Trouble!

    Buying a home is one of the biggest financial decisions most people make. In such a situation, there is a need to proceed cautiously. What things are important to check before buying a house? How to know the track record of builder and broker? What things to consider in a home loan?

  • How is Your Risk Appetite?

    How important is it to understand the risk profile while investing in mutual funds? What is the benefit of investing based on risk profile? Watch this video to know-

  • Don't Let This Score Go Down!

    What things affect credit score? Why is it important to check CIBIL report from time to time? How to improve credit score?